Friday, December 25, 2009

Body Language Flirting Tips & Tricks

Forget all about pick-up lines. There out. Dead. Instead, you need to focus on mastering the art of body language flirting. When used properly, it is more powerful than anything you might say to a woman. This is an incredibly powerful tool for seduction. Here's why.

First, you can communicate with a woman even if she is on the other side of the room. Second, a woman will feel more at ease if she is getting signals from you that you're interested. Women hate rejection just as much, if not more, than we do.

The following are three examples of body language flirting that you can use:

Body Language Tip #1 - Smile and Be "Open"

Avoid being the guy sitting by himself, looking mean at the bar. The room could be full of single women looking for a man to talk to, but if you're not presenting yourself as being approachable you'll never get a shot.

Make a point of making eye contact with women. Always smile and greet them as they walk by, even if you aren't necessarily interested. This will let those who may be watching you know that you are friendly and willing to talk. Keep from crossing your arms or putting your hands in your pockets. Relaxed body language will make those around you feel more relaxed as well. Working to keep your body language open and friendly will greatly increase your chances of meeting a woman.

Body Language Tip #2 - Use the Wink... But Sparingly

There's a right way and a wrong way to wink. Doing it the right way will quickly spark a woman's interest. Doing it the wrong way can be more than a little creepy for her. The technique is simple - make sure to smile first.

Using a wink works well when you aren't necessarily able to approach her. Using the smile and wink will effectively let her know that you are interested in finding out more about her. Don't be surprised if you find a woman who is bold enough to approach you after using this tip!

Just remember that once is enough. More than that and you'll start moving into the creepy zone.

Body Language Tip #3 - The Head Tilt

With this tip, you'll tilt your head toward her when she says something interesting. This is just a slight tilt and not a bow. Subtlety is key. This tip is good for letting a woman know that you find her interesting without using a lot of facial expression.

When used properly, these tips will help you meet and build a rapport with more women.

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Article Source: [] Body Language Flirting Tips & Tricks

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